UG degree programs Gyan Ganga Institute of Technology and Sciences offers the following programs : Course Intake B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering(CSE) 240 B.Tech. CSE- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning(AIML) 120 B.Tech. CSE- IoT & Cyber Security Including Block Chain Technology 60 B.Tech. CSE – Data Science (DS) 120 B.Tech. Computer Science & Business Systems(CSBS) 60 B.Tech. Electonics & Communication Engineering 120 B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering 60 B.Tech. Electrical Engineering 60 B.Tech. Civil Engineering 60 B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engineering 60 B.Tech. CSE – Computer Science and Design (CSD) 60 B.Tech. ROBOTICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 60 B.PHARMACY 100